Editorial Services

Developmental Editing

Developmental editing (also referred to as content or substantive editing) is for clients with completed projects that need work beyond basic copyediting. I will look for and suggest changes to ensure that your reader can follow your story and understand what you are trying to communicate. I will try to ensure consistency in your writing style, eliminate repetition, correct inappropriate verb tenses, check for subject-verb agreement, reorganize paragraphs, insert transitional phrasing, and clarify confusing passages.

Copyediting & Proofreading

Copyediting is a basic level of service that will ensure the reader has a positive reading experience. I will look for and correct problems with syntax, grammar, word usage, spelling, punctuation, and basic formatting.

Proofreading is for documents that have already been edited at least one time and are ready to send to the publisher or printer. I will proofread to find and correct typos, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization errors. Think of this as the final polish of your document.

Consultation Services

I am happy to talk with clients during any stage of their project. Consider a consultation when you would like to discuss material you have written and ways you can improve it. Consultations are also recommended when you would like help developing an outline, brainstorming story ideas, creating characters, building worlds, etc.
